Not that I'll be able to enjoy my weekend as I need to study for monday's FOT test, but its at least enough for me to catch a breather! Quick updates on what has been going on....
Wed was cra presentation. With the most plain-looking and least time spent on powerpoint slides compared to other groups (come on man, each of us only spent about an hour?); me and xy kicked off the first week of presentations with a dynamic display of our talent (yea right). The questions thrown at us were wow-i-didnt-see-that-coming, or what-in-the-world??? Mrs Cheong said our presentation was quite good, but then again, is "quite good" enough to get an A?
Today was BTM test, and thank God it wasn't a killer paper. I thought it was quite alright but tricky at some parts. Managed to answer most quite confidently, but 1 question was just too stunning for me. Well, needa look ahead and focus on my tax paper next monday. It's quite stupid to go back on monday just for 1 test since I got no school on mondays :S
well, hope you enjoy some photos of my classmates, thanks to tk's camera and whoever who took them =)
Last group presentation for AA