Wow its been almost a month since I last updated. So many things have happened as usual and time indeed waits for no man.
Just some updates, ended exams last friday, been sleeping alot after that extremely tiring 1 week. Abby and QianHui have left, effect on SS class has been felt strongly. Starting attachment next wednesday, will know my posting next monday. Exam results out next thursday :s
On a 1 week break for now...
Did I mention I lost weight during last week AGAIN?!?! Exam not only damages my brain but my body as well.. Haha. Speaking of food, I still prefer chompchomp over bedok 85. Thought the bak chor mee there was still alright only, not excellent. And it turns out that I've been there for dinner before heading out for my
cf orientation thingy. I want to try another of the hokkien mee stall after my mom told me a
famous food blogger gave a higher rating to another stall which I've not tried before.
How can I not mention about the olympics? The main factor of distraction during study week. 4 years once and whamm its during study week. Congrats to Singapore on winning a medal, even though the big hoo-ha over foreign talent getting it. Paying taxes doesn't give you a right to slam athletes who have worked hard, they do deserve it. Did you know that donating cash to an approved Institution of Public Character can get you double deductions off ur tax? Haha see I still retain what I learn in school!
Played basketball on sunday after a few months? Surprising I wasn't THAT rusty, but my stamina was down the drain. After a few matches then I couldn't go on already. Feels good to exercise after such a long time.
To those who are having their prelims, ALL THE BEST and why in the world are you reading this!!! You should be STUDYING!!!
For those going for attachment, hope you get posted to a good company! It's really scary to wait till the last minute then find out where you're going yea!
MISS SOH HUI YI & MR JABEZ FONG JIA EN, wishing you both a Happy 19th Birthday! =)