Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Haven't been here for awhile, just been too lazy to blog. Well, its a different story when I blog for others though, haha. Been doing so many different things the past few weeks, meeting up with people, especially hj who I've not seen for more than 1.5 years? Told myself it must not happen again!

Umm church camp tis friday till next monday, kinda exciting yet not quite so. I'm sure God will present me with a few surprises this time round though. I've got my FOURTH army checkup the following day at 8am, and its regarding blood test. The 4 tubes of blood they drew from me the last time apparently isn't enough i guess...

and happy birthday carmen!! I couldn't find a nice photo of you so I'm not putting any up. I was thinking of putting up that photo, but you would kill me if I did so... no photo.. hahah :)

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