Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Went fishing at pasir ris pond... Overnight from 11pm - 7am. The hardest part was at 5am when your eyes are almost closing. Let's see... the last time I fished there was almost 6 or 7 years? That's a really long time, and as expected, my fishing skills deteoriated greatly =((

Missed a few, but caught 3 in the end, a poor shadow of my former self. Bought too much dead prawns, which weren't as effective as using live prawns. But what to do, live prawns are so much more expensive... more than 4 times. First fish landed was a 700g golden pomfret, second was a 500g snapper (which had 1 eye missing, poor thing), third was a 750g fingermark (I can't seem to find the scientific name for it). All are table sized. Only thing is that the de-scaling services were closed and the fishmongers at serangoon central market didnt want my business. So now they are in my freezer waiting to be de-scaled and cooked =) I'm too lazy to take pics so too bad... haha

Used the trumphet praise vouchers that Jeanette gave me for my bday last yr to buy 2 cds. Israel Houghton - A Deeper Level, and another called 'Beautiful Worship' by various artists. Took a really long time to decide on them so hope they are good!

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